Kim BJun 261 minMoving Day produced by Cotton Bush Productions receives funding from Telefilm!I'm excited to direct Cutting the Cord by Diane Janna as part of Moving Day, a feature film anthology produced by Cotton Bush...
Kim BSep 27, 20221 minSNOW is streaming on ON-CORE and CAN-CORE. If your school/school board has a subscription, simply log in to your account and use the keyword search.
Kim BOct 6, 20211 minIdentität shorlisted for WIDC Feature Film Project"We are still keeping your portfolio top of mind should a spot open up for you at Story & Leadership." it is a pleasure to be considered!
Kim BMay 27, 20211 minQuarter Finalist - Unique Voices Screenplay Competition (2021)Draft One of Puppe (Doll) (now Identität (Identity) ) was a quarter finalist for my first screenplay competition! On its way to being...